Works and Projects

Therianthropes |Lessness | Sonitus Urbanitatis | The Morphing Aphrodite | Sissyphus | Difficult Journeys | The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Prostitute | Living With Colours | Dancing Landscapes | Fear Is A Man's Best Friend | Afternoon Echoes | Home | Camera Travels | Forest Loops | Still Lives | Pyrkos | The Machine Dream | The Liquid Reality | Cross-country Run | | One Day At The Quietest Sea | 2000 Miles (and thirteen years) | In between | Early Videos | Ars Moriendi


The work takes as a starting point the fact that Cyprus culture, like all, is a plexus of disparate elements that transfuse through various epochs and cross through geographical borders, in altered forms, but maintaining their essence intact. But Cyprus bears one cultural characteristic which, as archaeologists VasosKarageorgis and Jacklin Karagiorgis note, can be traced from the dawn of civilisation in the island to this day: a female spiritual presence.

Extracts from texts by the two academics, as well as by Marie-Louise Winbladh, and M. Ohnefalsch-Richter.




